What is Tai Chi?
The slow and exact exercises that are practiced at any time of the day. These exercises help to restore the energy level in the body and calm the mind/thought. Taiji is generally practiced in this way, with objectives aimed at maintaining good health.
Taiji originally belongs to the Chinese martial arts. Looking at the Taiji from the outside, one sees a sequence of smooth and calm movements. The body is precisely aligned and moves fluidly without any part of the body stopping.
Taiji can be used for self defense and promotes health. However, the main work takes place internally. An aspect that is emphasized in our training.
The Tai Ji I teach is Yang style. It is a group of exact movements. The first structure comprises 37 different positions linked to form the "simplified form". Learning this figure takes approximately three months with a minimum of 2 weekly lessons of 75 minutes.
Tai Ji: means "great extreme", "great polarity", "the greatest" and is based on the Daoist philosophy which its fundamental objective is to achieve plenitude.
About me
I am Monica Gonzalez (1966), my practice began in 2002 in a basic Qi Gong course in Zurich, Switzerland, it was there where I got fascinated about martial arts movements and the Yin-Yang philosophy.
In 2006 -2010 I had the opportunity to learn and graduate as a Yang Style Taiji teacher. Since then I have practiced daily. My education has been with a direct disciple of Master Huang, Patrick Kelly from New Zealand. With him I learned that not only the body has to maintain a state of calm but that the mind, being calm, dominates the body.
This was the beginning of this endless and fascinating journey.
In 2010 – I gave my first group lessons, always with the aim of motivating, cultivating and teaching this wonderful way of exercising the body, mind and spirit.
Teachers and trainings
Diploma in Chinese Medicine at Biomedica in Zurich, Switzerland.
Practice under the supervision of Dr. Wei Zhang in Glarus, Switzerland
Tai Ji School in Zurich, Switzerland, Diploma recognized by the National Association of Tai Ji and Qi Gong in Switzerland SGQT
Member of of the Swiss Qi Gong and Taiji Association SGQT with lectures and seminars in Buddhist Meditation and I Ging
Training with Chunglian Al Huang, with the 5 Forces or 5 Elements; ground principles of the Chinese Medicine.
Trainings and seminars:
From 2011 to March 2023 weekly training (min 6 hrs per week) in Tai Ji
In April 2023, I moved to Merida Yucatan in Mexico where I practice daily in Parks and give also everyday lessons in Spanish as well as in English language.
Seminar and training in Tai Ji in Budapest, Hungary, with Christine Schneider, Instructor Vienna, Austria
January Three-day seminar, Tai Ji training with Patrick Kelly in Zurich, Switzerland
Power Response seminar with Dieter Mayer, founder of the ASS Institute in Munich, Germany, teacher of Taiji, Qigong, Wing Chun, and Escrima
Seminar and training in Tai Ji in Berlin, Germany, with Chr. Schneider, Instructor Vienna, Austria
January Three-day seminar, Tai Ji training in Zurich, Switzerland
Seminar on Tai Ji with Michael Plötz, Senior Instructor and Chinese Medicine Therapist, in Hamburg, Germany
January – 3 days intensive Tai Ji course with Patrik Kelly in Zurich, Switzerland
June – 4 days Tai Ji Seminar in Munich, Germany with Chr. Schneider
October – 4 days Tai Ji Seminar in Vienna, Austria with Chr. Schneider
One week Tai Ji Seminar in Hamburg, Germany with instructor Michael Plötz
One week Taiji Seminar in Salzburg, Austria instructor Chr. Schneider.
Seminar and Training during October in Freiburg, Germany with the instructor Heribert Greiner
How does a lesson is designed
Each lesson (75 minutes) is structured in the same way. This structure helps us in the progress of learning. In the course of the lesson, the physical exercises become more and more complex. In the process, we try to enter an increasingly deep and calm state of mind refined to everyday life.
Contact me via email to book a course: moniposa@gmail.com
Parque La Plancha, Calle 51 w calle 48 (Centro), Merida.
Day: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 07.30 am until 08.30 hrs
Language: Spanish/English
Teaching: Yang short form
Calle 25, Nr. 196, Buenavista, 97127 Mérida.
Days: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Time: 8:30am to 9:30am
Language: English / Spanish
Teaching: Yang short form
MEL, Merida English Library, Calle 53
Day: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 09.30 until 10.30 hrs
Language: English
Teaching: Chungliang circles
DUE THE SEASONAL HOLIDAYS, we shall start again on the 6th of January 2025.
Courses to stay awake and enjoy life